Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Prison for a man called emergency to report his broken iphone

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Man Arrested After Calling 911 Five Times To Complain About His Broken iPhone‬‏

An Illinois man was arrested early yesterday after he called 911 on several occasions to complain that his iPhone was not working.

Michael Alan Skopec, 48, dialed police emergency operators five times to beef about his malfunctioning Apple product, according to a Kendall County Sheriff’s Office report.

Cops traced the calls to Skopec’s home, where he was arrested around 1 AM yesterday when he “refused to comply with orders from deputies,” according to a sheriff’s spokesperson. Skopec, pictured in the above mug shot, was charged with obstructing or resisting a peace officer, a misdemeanor.

It is unclear what Skopec thought cops could do about his malfunctioning smartphone (though deputies did report that he was intoxicated when they arrived at his residence). Released on his own recognizance, Skopec is next due in court on DEC 18.
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