Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Netanyahu welcomed the decision of the Trump.. And America flag flutters in Jerusalem

العلم الأميركي في البلدة القديمة

The Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, US president's decision, Donald Trump, judge the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, describing it as "historic" and "a just and courageous."
Netanyahu also vowed not to make any changes to the "status quo" in the holy places in Jerusalem, confirming that the US resolution will not change anything with regard to the status of the holy places of the three revealed religions.

Reuters quoted Netanyahu in a televised speech, prepared in advance as saying that any peace agreement with the Palestinians should include Jerusalem the capital of Israel, and also urged States to move their embassies to the city.

Immediately after the declaration of the Trump, lit up the Jerusalem Municipality, which Israel occupies the walls of the old town, the flag of the United States to show thanked US president.

The mayor said, the yoke of Barakat, the main entrance to the dome also Us Flag Colors, indicating that this flag white supremacist flag in the main streets of the city, Thursday.

Barakat added that the declaration of the Trump "seeking a clear message" to the whole world that the United States stands with Israel and the Jewish people.

Trump, admitted Wednesday, Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, and said, "Today, we recognize the reality that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel", considering that this decision "very late".

He stressed that his country "is committed to mediate to achieve a peace agreement is in the interest of the Israelis and the Palestinians," and that this resolution does not prejudice the final status settlement between the two parties, pointing out that he supports a two-state solution if the parties agreed.
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