Saturday, December 9, 2017

Nearly 60% of Germans accuse Israel of being "aggressive"

Most Germans view Israel as 'aggressive'

A large majority of Germans view Israel as "aggressive" and think Germany no longer has a special obligation to the Jewish nation, according to an opinion poll released Wednesday.
The survey, conducted by Forsa for Stern news magazine, found that 59 percent of those questioned viewed Israel as "aggressive", an increase of 10 percentage points over a similar survey in January 2016.

Seventy percent said they believed Israel pursued its interests without consideration for other nations, Stern said in a pre-release of its Thursday edition, up 11 percentage points from three years ago.

And 73 years after the end of the Nazi regime, 60 percent said Germany had no special obligation towards Israel, while a third believed the contrary, according to the survey of 1,002 people conducted on NOV 15 and 16.

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