Thursday, December 7, 2017

As tbh popularity wanes, Facebook launches ‘Did You Know’ social questionnaire

Facebook wants you to share a bit more about yourself on your profile, so today it’s launching a new feature to web and mobile users called “Did You Know,” where you can answer questions about yourself to clue friends into your secrets, dreams, goals and feelings.
As people back away from statuses and focus more on sharing articles, videos and photos, this feature offers an opportunity for users to answer questions about themselves more directly. So many of Facebook’s recent efforts to change how people customize their profiles have seemed to get buried in the clutter. The inherent share-ability of this might play a bit nicer given its visibility; you can share with the customized colorful backgrounds that FB has pushed on its statuses already.
This feature also really seems like the early stages of something that could lead to more sophisticated advertiser profiles, but at the moment the questions are honestly pretty hokey. Here’s a smattering of the questions Facebook said could pop up in the “did you know?” section:
  • The superpower I want most is…
  • The first thing I’d do after winning the lottery is…
  • A guilty pleasure that I’m willing to admit to is…
  • Mondays make me feel like…
The feature is all a tad reminiscent of what tbh was doing to integrate asking users light and friendly questions about their friends. This is the other side of the coin, asking users to talk more about themselves.
Tbh, which Facebook acquired in October, has tanked in the App Store ratings, dropping from being the No. 1 downloaded app around when it was purchased to being the 771st most-downloaded app in the U.S. currently, according to App Annie data. The startup said it had 2.5 million daily active users when Facebook acquired it.
tbh App Annie rankings
A healthy amount of these features eventually seem to find themselves as dead-ends, but Facebook is obviously looking to explore how it can goad users to get more comfortable answering questions about themselves and their friends. It’s obvious why they would want to build this type of relationship, but whether they’ll find success with apps like tbh and this new profile feature remains a bit unclear.
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