Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Reminder: Get Your Discounted Student Tickets To Disrupt SF 2015

Matt Burns
Disrupt SF is coming up fast, and we still have some student tickets available for the show at the deeply discounted price of $300 a piece.
Previously, these tickets were only available to those enrolled in undergraduate or graduate school with a valid student ID and current transcript, but we’ve now opened these cheap tickets up to all you recent grads out there, as well. Now, folks who graduated in the spring of 2015 (May-June 2015) can get in on the action.
To get your discounted Disrupt tickets, just send an email to students@techcrunch.com for more information. Current students should send a copy of a valid student ID card and transcripts showing your current enrollment status. Recent grads should send copies of their student IDs, transcripts and confirmation of graduation.
Once we’ve confirmed your status, we’ll send you information on how to purchase your student tickets, which will get you all the perks and benefits of a standard ticket for a fraction of the price. You’ll get to hobnob with some of the most influential minds in the tech community, from venture capitalists to entrepreneurs and, of course, your favorite TechCrunch writers and editors.
You’ll get to attend all of the fireside chats with folks like Sprig CEO Gagan Biyani and Pebble CEO Eric Migicovsky, tour the startups in Startup and Hardware Alley and network at all of the after parties. It’s a great way to make connections with the people who matter in the tech industry who may very well be the people you end up working for once you’re done with school. Or even to see if that tech project you and your classmates have been working on is ready to go to the next level.
If nothing else, you’ll probably have tons of fun and learn a lot about startups and technology and what it takes to make an impact in the Valley.
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